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Title: Мистецька своєрідність архітектурного декору житлових споруд Опілля та бойківського Підгір’я кінця ХІХ–ХХ століття
Other Titles: Художественное своеобразие архитектурного декора жилых сооружений Ополья и бойковского Подгорья конца ХІХ–ХХ века
Authors: Лосик, Галина
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Лосик, Г. Мистецька своєрідність архітектурного декору житлових споруд Опілля та бойківського Підгір’я кінця ХІХ–ХХ століття / Галина Лосик // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – 2017. – № 2 (Вип. 37). – С. 209–214. – Бібліогр. наприкінці ст.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Keywords: архітектурний декор
художня своєрідність
конструктивні деталі
технологія профілювання
архитектурный декор
художественное своеобразие
конструктивне детали
технология профилирования
architectural decor
artistic originality
constructive elements
profiling technology
Series/Report no.: Мистецтвознавство;
Abstract: У статті досліджено архітектурний декор житлових споруд територій Опілля та бойківського Підгір’я кінця ХІХ–ХХ століття. Проаналізовано технологічні і художньо-композиційні особливості дерев’яних архітектурних деталей, визначено художню своєрідність. Підкреслено важливість використання архітектурного декору при формуванні зовнішнього вигляду житла.
В статье исследован архитектурний декор жилых сооружений територий Ополья и бойковского Подгорья конца ХІХ–ХХ века. Проанализированы технологические и художественно-композиционные особенности архитектурних деталей, определено художественное своеобразие. Подчеркнута важность использования архитектурного декора в формировании внешнего вида жилья.
Significant forest areas contributed to the development of woodworking crafts of the Opillia and Boykiv Pidhirya regions. From the ancient times to the beginning of the twentieth century, wood was mainly used in the construction of houses. The concept of shaping decorative details on the outlined territory is realized by means of carpentry and technology of profiling and carving. The external view of the settlements depended primarily on local traditions of construction, and the functional purpose of architectural and constructional details was solved to give them an attractive appearance. The main beam was magnificently decorated. On its lower surface, a large cross was cut and decorated with geometric or plant ornament or with solar signs. In the middle of the XIX century there are significant changes in the construction of residential and commercial buildings. In the formation of the external view of the house, the main role belongs to the architectural and structural principles of the facades. There can be seen porches, decorated with lacy laid-on elements. The carpentry profiling along the edge of the board formed geometric or geometric vegetable motifs. In most cases, the colour in the wooden decoration did not play an important role, its harmony is based on the closest combination of shades. But there are cases when brightness and contrast were achieved by using two colors – a facade and a patch colouring. A separate functional and decorative element of the traditional dwelling was the “wind” board, which, in the lower part, created a repetitive figure motif, made by profiling technique. Exquisite “lace” provided the buildings with filigree finesse and festive celebrations. The cornices of the porches and the central plane of the triangular gable were decorated in general with vegetation ornaments and sometimes with solar signs. Window openings were decorated with wooden trims, sometimes these trims were decorated with profiling along the edge of the board. The technology of manufacturing and decoration of the front doors is based on their typological and constructive characteristics. All of them consist of a frame to which the doors are attached on the hinges. The studied architectural decoration of Opillia and Boykiv Pidhirya shows that the similarity of the natural geographical setting led to the construction of the similar type of dwellings, thus to the existence of the typical constructive elements and the typical decoration of the architectural elements. In the end of the XIX – in the beginning of XX century the architectural decor was determined by artistic stylistics and vividness. The vividness of the system of the decoration of wooden architecture elements is achieved with the integrity, tectonics and contrast. The organization of the ornamental structure is carried out with the methods of rhythm, symmetry, and also with lace, plasticity, color. The artistic ideas of decoration are inherited from the secular and clerical buildings of the past, and the architectural decor consists of the separate stylistic units, in particular the stylistics of the carpentry profiling stylistics of flat carvings. The use of carving of folk dwelling of Opillia and Boykiv Pidhirya was narrowed to the decoration of beams and pediments. The widely used technique was profiling, which was used in the decoration of the architecture elements, in particular the laid-on elements of the porches, wooden window surrounds etc.
ISSN: 2411-3271
Appears in Collections:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2017. № 2

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